Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Customizing / Re-branding IBM Cognos User Interface

Often an organization's need is to maintain the same look and feel for all the portals that they use. Hence, if they are using Cognos, they would like to modify the look and feel for Cognos too. This is often referred to as re-branding. Here are the links to the documents which cover this type of customization in detail:

1. Customizing the Cognos 8 UI
2. IBM Cognos Proven Practices: Customising the IBM Cognos 8.4.x UI
3. IBM Cognos Proven Practices: Customizing IBM Cognos 10 Login

Sample customization / re-branding using the above documents:


  1. Great stuff,Very Useful Information, Thanks for sharing us, I really liked it.

  2. Thanks for given information. this is very useful for me.
    Related Article- IBM Cognos
